Akshaya Tritiya, also known as 'Akhiya Turtia' in Odia, is an auspicious day celebrated by Hindus across India. It falls on the third day of the bright half of the lunar month of Vaisakha. This day is considered to be very significant for Hindus, as it is believed to be an ideal time for new beginnings, investments, and wealth creation. In this article, we will discuss Akshaya Tritiya along with Happy Akshaya Tritiya Odia images, along with the significance, date, and time of this festival.
Akshaya Tritiya is a day that marks the birth of Lord Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This day is also believed to be the day when Lord Ganesha started writing the epic Mahabharata, and when the holy river Ganges descended to Earth from heaven. It is considered to be a day of good fortune, and any venture started on this day is believed to bring success and prosperity.
The Akshaya Tritiya 2025 Odia calendar marks the festival on 30 Apr, 2025. It is believed that any new venture started during this period is bound to succeed and bring prosperity.
On this day, people buy gold, silver, and other valuable items, as it is believed that buying these items on Akshaya Tritiya will bring wealth and prosperity. People also perform puja, offer prayers, and seek blessings from the Gods for success and good fortune. Many people also observe fast on this day and distribute food, clothes, and money to the poor.
To celebrate this auspicious day, people exchange Happy Akshaya Tritiya Odia images with their loved ones. These images depict Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, and Goddess Lakshmi, who are considered to be the deities of wealth and prosperity. The Odia Akshaya Tritiya images also depict gold coins, gold jewelry, and other valuable items, which are bought on this day. Happy Akshaya Tritiya Odia images are also available with quotes and messages, which convey good wishes and blessings to loved ones.
In conclusion, Akshaya Tritiya is a significant festival celebrated by Hindus across India. It is a day of new beginnings, wealth creation, and prosperity. On this day, people buy gold and other valuable items, perform puja, seek blessings from the Gods, and exchange Happy Akshaya Tritiya Odia images with their loved ones. As we prepare to celebrate Akshaya Tritiya in 2025, let us hope that this auspicious day brings success, prosperity, and good fortune to all of us.